ORANGE Engineering stands for highly qualified technical expertise across the whole of Germany. We offer cost-optimised complete solutions for engineering projects in a wide range of sectors and with a wide range of requirements. To do so, we rely on expert staff boasting many years of experience in both administrative and operational fields.
In order to be able to act flexibly and efficiently at any time and in any place, the ORANGE Engineering brand houses two independent companies. Both have the same qualifications, but different regional priorities:
• ORANGE Engineering GmbH & Co. KG operates predominantly in the North of Germany and currently has 5 locations from Schleswig-Holstein across to the Netherlands.
• With its 6 locations, ORANGE Ingenieur- und Konstruktionsdienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG covers Berlin and the entire South of Germany from Saxony and Hesse right down to Bavaria.
The headquarters of both companies can be found in Stuhr near Bremen. This is where everything comes together and where valuable synergies in terms of cooperation are created. From here we ensure the consistent quality of our services – certified by DNV-GL according to ISO 9001:2018.
ORANGE Engineering is also a member of the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) and the Hanseatic Engineering & Consulting Association e.V. (HECAS). In addition, we joined the Association of German Engineers (VDI) in November 2018 as the 28th supporting member of the VDI Hamburger Bezirksverein e.V.
Our network of renowned experts enables us to optimise and expand our expertise continuously. After all, we are convinced that the consistently high quality of our services is key to maintaining long-term and successful business relationships. With trust as standard.